Thursday 21 December 2023

How To Change The Name On Amazon Account: Simple And Easy Steps


Introduction: how to change the name on Amazon account

In this article, we explore how to change the name on Amazon account. Changing the Amazon account is a very easy way. If you need to change your Amazon account, you will be the first to visit the Amazon website. Register yourself before you go to the Amazon website. After registering, you can go to your profile. Why, when you register yourself? So you can access your account easily and without any difficulty.

If you want to change your Amazon account name. So, if you want to change to mobile, so his stage will be something else. And if you open the website or our website on our computer. So his stage will be something else. In this article, we will explain how we can change our Amazon account.

When you go to your Amazon profile, you can change your language by going there. In which languages you can understand yourself well. So, if you choose this language, you will choose the English language. So, all the updates of your account will be opened in English language. If you do your application in Urdu or Spanish, it will be opened in Spanish.

Change name on Amazon account website

If you don’t have a mobile, but you have a laptop or a computer near you. So, you want to change your Amazon account name. For example if you’re old account name is XYZ. But you can change it to ABC. So you can change them easily. For this, you must have internet when you have internet. So you have to open the computer. You have to open the Amazon website by opening the computer.

Top Navbar

Amazon’s website has two navbar. One is the top navbar, and one below it is the sub navbar, which is the top navbar. On the right side of the top tab bar, you will see an option for your account. So there, you have to click on the account button. When you click on the “sign in clicks “button. So, all these categories will be opened under it, and all the categories will be related to the account.

Sub Categories Button

Now, you have also visited the Amazon website. And you have also opened Amazon’s website. Apart from this, you have the option of your accounts on the side right side of your top Navbar. So you click your mouse button on it. 

 Or if you have a touch screen, when your finger is on the button / “Signing” it. So, all the categories below will be open. Those categories will be many. Accounts-related, then you have to click on the Accounts button under your accounts.

Url open: nav_AccountFlyout_ya

When you people click on sign in. So below that the categories of your accounts are opened. So when you click on your categories, you must know this thing whenever you click on any link. Then, the new page opens. So, after clicking on your accounts, a new page opens. And there are lots of tabs built in. Each tab has its purpose and function.

Now this step is done, you have also logged in yourself. And here again, you have signed up. But you have entered the wrong information about your name. And you want to change and correct your name now. 

So when you go to your account list and click on your accounts, there are many button options. In this, if you are an up-seller, your order will also be placed. Login security will also be removed. Or if you have a Prime Video account, you will also be shown the button. But you have to click on login security.

Edit your Account

After clicking on the login and security button, you can edit your profile. You can edit your number in it. Or you can edit your name. Apart from this, you can also edit your Gmail. And it can be done very easily. You don’t need to get help from another person. 

Now, if our article has been read well, so you must have understood one thing well. How do you edit your accounts? After that, after editing, you have to click on update. When you click on update, all your edits will be changed. And the things you have updated. These items will now be added to your profile.

Change name on Amazon account app

You should want to create a new Amazon account. Or you have already created an Amazon account. But unfortunately, you have entered your name wrongly. You have to change the account name to your name. So, first of all, if you have Amazon mobile app installed. 

 Then it is very good. But if you don’t have Amazon mobile app installed. You must visit the Google Play Store. And from there go and download the Amazon app from there. Or go to Google and download the Amazon app.

Install Amazon App

So when you have downloaded the Amazon app from your Play Store or Google, then install it. This app will be installed on your mobile very fast. And the app has to be so heavy, and it won’t even take up that much storage.

Now the Amazon app has been installed in your mobile. So, after installation, you have to first click on this Amazon app with your finger. When you click on it, the Amazon app will open. Rather, there will be a slight scrolling before. Then, that app will be opened easily. So first, you have to sign the app and log in.

Sign up/log in.

When the Amazon app is opened, first of all, you go there and sign yourself up. After signing up, log in yourself if you have not logged in or signed up. Then you have to sign yourself up. And then later, when you guys sign up and log in. 

 So, you wrote your name wrong while signing up. Or you have matched another name with your name while writing this name. So now they want to change you. If you don’t understand it, then in the next step, we will see how we can change our name.

The sticky footer shows in the Amazon app.

A sticky footer will be shown at the bottom of the Amazon app. An icon below the sticky footer will show you the member’s name. You have to click on the icon on this member. This means that they are giving your account options.

When you click on this member icon, a new page will open in front of you. So, there will be a User Accounts option in front of it so, as soon as you click on the user account button. After clicking on the user account, you will have a new option. 

 From there, security and people will be looking at their options. You can easily edit your profile by clicking on the login and security buttons. If you want to edit your name while editing your profile. So, after editing the name, click on the update button. You must remember that you must login and sign up first.


Mostly when you sign up for your Amazon account, or they log in when they sign up or login when they are writing their entire documentation. You are writing your data in the form. So they write their name wrong. 

 Then, they write the wrong spelling of their name. So when they see that my name is spelt wrong. Then they don’t understand how we have to change our account name. So for that, they first sign up. After signing up, go to accounts, then go to the security and login page. 

 When you go to the security and login button, go there and enter your account name. So they change easily after changing their account name when they update. So their name changes. And the changes they made with the new name or the old name are easily changed.


Are you required to log in and sign up while changing your Amazon account name?

Yes, if you want to change your profile. Or if you have changed your name or if you have changed your email or if you have changed your phone number. So for this you must edit and login and sign up. When you log in and sign up, your entire data will be extracted from the database and displayed on your user page. So for that, your login and signup is very mandatory.

Do you have to have internet while changing your Amazon account name?

Yes, you must have internet while changing your Amazon account name. Because when you open Amazon’s website or when you open Amazon’s app, it runs on the Internet. That’s why you must have internet while changing your Amazon account name.

Why do we need to change the Amazon account name?

Yes, we need to change the Amazon account name. If we have entered our account incorrectly. Or will we have to transfer our account to someone else’s name in future? So that’s why we changed our account name. And for that we have told you all the details above so you can change your choice by reading those details.

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